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3mk FlexibleGlass Lite
The thinnest hybrid glass!
FlexibleGlass Lite™ is one of the thinnest protective glasses you can find on the market! Its thickness is only 0.16 mm, so that in real time you turn on the desired application or dial a phone number.
Effective protection for the longevity of your phone!
The film and glass hybrid will ensure that you can take advantage of the best features of these two plastics. Flexibility makes the risk of screen breakage maximally reduced, and the 6H ceramic coating and hardness ensure strengthening resistance to potenc
3MK FlexibleGlass Lite Samsung A53 5G A536 Hybrid Glass Lite
Staklo je sasvim ok,nista puno bolje od drugih,jednostavno ok.
Flexi-lakse se postavlja.
Svo je u stikerima koji bi trebali pomoc pri postavljanju,a zapravo se ne mogu skinuti sa stakla. Na kraju sam ih sve odlepila,ali je ostalo ljepilo,koje ni danas nisam uspela skinuti(alkohol,tekucina za stakla,med.benzin-nista nije pomoglo).
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