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FlexibleGlass is a non-cracking hybrid of film and glass that strengthens the screen up to 250% absorbing impact energy.
Almost invisible 0.2 mm thick glass, it enhances the feeling of lack of additional layer on the screen.
Protection against scratches - 7H. Such a high hardness, surpassing the protective films was obtained by enriching the structure with an additional ceramic coating.
FlexibleGlass is perfectly suited to screen and edge.
100% precision and sensitivity to touch.
FlexibleGlass provides the impression of using the glass screen due to smooth slip.
With Fit-In™ positioning stickers
Ochrana tabletu staršieho data Samsung Tab S7.11" . Ťažko sa zháňa. Dodaná ochrana pasuje presne,ľahko sa inštaluje. Len si treba dobre pozrieť návod. Výsledkom je dobre držiaca odolná vrstva displeja,ktorá odoláva aj našim vnúčatám pri sledovaní rozprávok.
Jednoduchá inštalácia.
Chýbajú "lepky" na odstránenie prachu po vyčistení skla pred nalepením.
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